
Simone Salimbeni

Seismic anisotropy in Central Europe and the Mediterranean



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Petrescu, L., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Faccenda, M. Mantle flow below the central and greater Alpine region: insights from SKS anisotropy analysis at AlpArray and permanent stations. Solid Earth 11, 4 1275-1290, (2020).

Confal, J., Pondrelli, S., Faccenda, M., Baccheschi, P., Salimbeni, S. Identifying Seismic Anisotropy Patterns in the Alps and Apennines with Splitting Intensity and Backazimuthal Dependencies. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.

Pondrelli S., Salimbeni S., Faccenda M. Where is seismic anisotropy located beneath the Alps and the Apennines? EGU General Assembly 2020, online.

Petrescu, L., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and AlpArray Working Group. Mantle deformation beneath the central Alps from SKS anisotropy. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Pondrelli, S., Petrescu, L., Salimbeni, S. Seismic anisotropy analysis in the Alps: contribution of permanent stations to AlpArray temporary network. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.