1. Faccenda, M.,  VanderBeek, B.P., de Montserrat, A., Yang, J., Ribe, N. ECOMAN: an open-source package for geodynamic and seismological modeling of mechanical anisotropy. Submitted


PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS      (* selected research spotlight; ** journal IF > 10, *** Review article)

  1. Rappisi, F., Witek, M., Faccenda, M., Ferreira, A.M.G., Chang, S.-J. Artificial age-independent seismic anisotropy, slab thickening and shallowing due to limited resolving power of (an)isotropic tomography. Geophys. J. Int., ggae042, (2024)
  2. Del Piccolo, G., VanderBeek, B.P., Faccenda, M., Morelli, A., Byrnes, J. S. Imaging Upper-Mantle Anisotropy with Transdimensional Bayesian Monte Carlo Sampling. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. XX, 1–13, https://doi.10.1785/0120230233 (2024).
  3. Faccenda, M., VanDerBeek, B.P., On constraining 3D seismic anisotropy in subduction, mid-ocean-ridge, and plume environments with teleseismic body wave data. J. Geodyn., 158, (2023).
  4. Vanderbeek, B.P., Lo Bue, R., Rappisi, F., Faccenda, M., Imaging upper mantle anisotropy with travel-time and splitting intensity observations from teleseismic shear waves: Insights from tomographic reconstructions of subduction simulations. Geophys. J. Int., 235, 3, 2640-2670, (2023).
  5. Confal., J., Baccheschi, P., Pondrelli, S., Foivos, K., VanderBeek, B.P., Huang, Z., Faccenda, M., Reproducing complex anisotropy patterns at subduction zones from splitting intensity analysis and anisotropy tomography. Geophys. J. Int., 235, 1725-1735, (2023).
  6. Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Baccheschi, P., Confal, J., Margheriti, L. Peeking inside the mantle structure beneath the Italian region through SKS shear wave splitting anisotropy: a review. Annals of Geophysics, 66, 2, SE215, https://doi:10.4401/ag-8872 (2023)
  7. Kendall, E., Faccenda, M., Ferreira, A.M.G, Chang, S.-J. On the relationship between oceanic plate speed, tectonic stress, and seismic anisotropy. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2022GL097795. (2022)
  8. Pondrelli, S., Confal, J.M., Baccheschi, P. New SKS splitting anisotropy measurements point to tearing beneath Central Italy. Tectonophys., 840, (2022)
  9. Lo Bue, R., Rappisi, F., VanderBeek, B.P., Faccenda, M., Tomographic Image Interpretation and Central-Western Mediterranean-Like Upper Mantle Dynamics From Coupled Seismological and Geodynamic Modeling Approach. Front. Earth Sci. 10:884100. (2022)
  10. Rappisi, F., VanderBeek, B., Faccenda, M., Morelli, A., Molinari, I. Slab geometry and upper mantle flow patterns in the Central Mediterranean from 3D anisotropic P-wave tomography. J. Geophys. Res. 127, e2021JB023488. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021JB023488 (2022).
  11. *de Montserrat, A., Faccenda, M. Extrinsic anisotropy of two-phase Newtonian aggregates. Part I: Fabric characterisation and parametrisation. J. Geophys. Res. 126, e2021JB022232. (2021). AGU Instagram Post.
  12. Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., Yang, J. The role of Adria plate structural heterogeneities on the recent dynamics of the Central Mediterranean region. J. Geophys. Res. 126, e2021JB022377. (2021).
  13. VanderBeek, B.P., Faccenda, M. Imaging realistic upper mantle anisotropy with teleseismic P-wave delays: Insights from tomographic reconstructions of subduction simulations. Geophys. J. Int. 225, 3, 2097–2119, (2021)
  14. Petrescu, L., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Faccenda, M. Mantle flow below the central and greater Alpine region: insights from SKS anisotropy analysis at AlpArray and permanent stations. Solid Earth 11, 4 1275-1290, (2020).
  15. Confal, J. M., Bezada, M. J., Eken, T., Faccenda, M., Saygin, E., Taymaz, T. Influence of upper mantle anisotropy on isotropic P-wave tomography images obtained in the Eastern Mediterranean region. J. Geophys. Res. 125, 8, (2020).  
  16. **Yang, J., Faccenda, M. Intraplate volcanism originating from upwelling hydrous transition zone. Nature, 579, 88-91, (2020).
  17. Peng, C.-C., Kuo, B.-Y., Faccenda, M., Chiao, L.-Y. Mantle flow entrained by the Hindu-Kush continental subduction inferred from source-side seismic anisotropy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 530, 115905, (2020).
  18. Sturgeon W., Ferreira, A.M.G., Faccenda, M., Chang, S.-J., Schardong, L. On the origin of radial anisotropy near subducted slabs in the midmantle. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 20 (11), 5105-5125, (2020).
  19. **Ferreira, A.M.G., Faccenda, M., Sturgeon, W., Chang, S.-J., Schardong, L. Ubiquitous lower-mantle anisotropy beneath subduction zones. Nat. Geo. 12, 301, 306, (2019).
  20. *Faccenda, M., Ferreira, A.M.G., Tisato, N., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., Stixrude, L, Pennacchioni, G. Extrinsic anisotropy in a compositionally heterogeneous mantle. J. Geophys. Res. 124, (2019). Editor Highlight.
  21. Chen, L., Faccenda, M. Subduction-induced upwelling of a hydrous transition zone: implications for the Cenozoic magmatism in Northeast China. J. Geophys. Res.124, 11, 11489-11504, (2019).
  22. Zhou, Q., Hu, J., Liu, L., Chaparro, T., Stegman, D. R., Faccenda, M. Western U.S. seismic anisotropy revealing complex mantle dynamics. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 500, 156-167, (2018).
  23. Confal, J.M., Faccenda, M., Eken, T., Taymaz, T. Numerical simulation of 3-D mantle flow evolution in sunbduction environments in relations to seismic anisotropy beneath the eastern Mediterranean region. Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett. 497, 50-61, (2018).



  1. Jianfeng Yang, Manuele Faccenda, and Liang Zhao.  Numerical modeling of the formation of extensive intraplate volcanism. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  2. Foivos Karakostas, Andrea Morelli, Irene Molinari, Brandon VanderBeek, and Manuele Faccenda. SPHY3D: A hybrid seismic computational framework for box-tomography of spherical Earth. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  3. Judith M. Confal, Paola Baccheschi, Silvia Pondrelli, Brandon P. VanderBeek, Foivos Karakostas, and Manuele Faccenda. Testing the splitting intensity methodology to retrieve average, dipping, and depth dependent anisotropy from a complex subduction model. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  4. Brandon VanderBeek, Rosalia Lo Bue, and Manuele Faccenda. Anisotropic Structure Using Teleseismic Shear Wave Delays and Splitting Intensity: Application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  5. Paola Baccheschi, Judith M. Confal, Silvia Pondrelli, Manuele Faccenda, Brandon P. VanderBeek, and Zhouchuan Huang. High-resolution imaging of the deep structure of Italy through SKS anisotropy tomography. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  6. Francesco Rappisi, Brandon Paul VanderBeek, and Manuele Faccenda. Seismic anisotropy tomography: new insight into upper mantle structure and dynamics beneath the Mediterranean region. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  7. Rosalia Lo Bue, Manuele Faccenda, Ornella Cocina, Francesco Rappisi, and Brandon Paul Vanderbeek. Joint Active and Passive P-wave Tomography reveals Mt. Etna’s Seismic Anisotropy. EGU General Assembly 2023.
  8. Gianmarco Del Piccolo, Brandon VanderBeek, Manuele Faccenda and Andrea Morelli. Reversible-Jump, Markov-Chain Monte Carlo tomographic inversion with Voronoi projections for anisotropic structure in a subduction environment. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
  9. Brandon VanderBeek, Rosalia Lo Bue, Francesco Rappisi and Manuele Faccenda.New Methods for Imaging Arbitrarily Oriented Hexagonal Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle with Teleseismic P- and S-wave Observables. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
  10. Rosalia Lo Bue, Francesco Rappisi, Brandon Paul Vanderbeek, and Manuele Faccenda. Geodynamic and seismological modelling of the Central-Western Mediterranean Cenozoic evolution and present-day structure. Ada Lovelace Workshop 2022, Heviz, Hungary.
  11. Faccenda, M. Mantle dynamics and structure from coupled geodynamic and seismological modelling. GNGTS 2022, Trieste, Italy.
  12. Albert de Montserrat, Manuele Faccenda, and Giorgio Pennacchioni. Shape Preferred Orientation at scale. From grain-scale aggregates to global mantle convection. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  13. Judith M. Confal, Silvia Pondrelli, Paola Baccheschi, Manuele Faccenda, Simone Salimbeni, and the AlpArray Working Group. Identifying Seismic Anisotropy Patterns and Improving Tomographic Images in the Alps and Apennines Subduction Environments with Splitting Intensity. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  14. Francesco Rappisi, Brandon Paul VanderBeek, Manuele Faccenda, Andrea Morelli, and Irene Molinari. 3D anisotropic P-wave tomography of the Central Mediterranean: new insights into slab geometry and upper mantle flow patterns. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  15. Foivos Karakostas, Andrea Morelli, Irene Molinari, Brandon VanderBeek, and Manuele Faccenda. A hybrid computational Framework for 3D anisotropic full-Waveform inversion at a regional scale. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  16. Rosalia Lo Bue, Francesco Rappisi, Brandon Paul Vanderbeek, and Manuele Faccenda.New insights into tomographic image interpretation and upper mantle dynamics by combining geodynamic modelling and seismological methods. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  17. Paola Baccheschi, Judith M. Confal, Silvia Pondrelli, Manuele Faccenda, Brandon P. VanderBeek, and Zhouchuan Huang. High-resolution imaging of subduction zones through SKS splitting intensity tomography: first results from test on numerically modelled complex settings. EGU General Assembly 2022.
  18. Faccenda, M., VanderBeek, B., Mantle Dynamics and Structure from Coupled Geodynamic and Seismological Modelling. Invited talk. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
  19. Lo Bue, R., VanDerBeek, B., Rappisi, F., Faccenda, M., A ray-theory based imaging approach for constraining upper mantle anisotropy using teleseismic shear wave delays. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
  20. Confal, J.M., Pondrelli, S., Baccheschi, P., Faccenda, M., VanderBeek, B.P., Salimbeni, S. Identifying seismic anisotropy patterns and improving tomographic images in the Alps and Apennines with splitting intensity. ESC 2021 General Assembly.
  21. Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., Yang, J. Micro and macro-scale geodynamic modelling of the recent dynamics of the Central Mediterranean region. ESC 2021 General Assembly.
  22. Rappisi, F., VanderBeek B.P., Faccenda M. Anisotropic P-wave tomography of the Central Mediterranean region. ESC 2021 General Assembly.
  23. Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., Yang, J. Geodynamic and seismological modelling of the recent dynamics of the Central Mediterranean Region. SGI Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana 2021.
  24. Rappisi, F. VanderBeek B.P., Faccenda M., 2021. Teleseismic Anisotropic P-wave tomography of the Central Mediterranean. SGI Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana 2021.
  25. Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., Yang, J. The recent dynamics of the Central Mediterranean constrained by coupled geodynamic-seismological modelling. 39° Annual Meeting GNGTS 2021.
  26. Rappisi, F. ,VanderBeek B.P., Faccenda M., 2021. Anisotropic Tomography of the upper mantle under the Central Mediterranean with teleseismic P-wave delays. 39° Annual Meeting GNGTS 2021.
  27. Confal, J., Pondrelli, S., Faccenda, M., Baccheschi, P., Salimbeni, S. Identifying Seismic Anisotropy Patterns in the Alps and Apennines with Splitting Intensity and Backazimuthal Dependencies. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  28. VanderBeek, B., Bodmer, M., Faccenda, M. New Imaging Approach for Constraining the Azimuth and Dip of Seismic Anisotropy Using Teleseismic P-wave Delays and its Application to the Western United States. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  29. Rappisi, F., VanderBeek, B., Faccenda, M. The effects of seismic anisotropy on  S-wave travel time-tomography: the problem of apparent anomalies and possible solutions. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  30.  Faccenda, M., VanderBeek, B., de Montserrat, A. ECOMAN: a new open source software for Exploring the Consequences of Mechanical Anisotropy in the maNtle. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  31.  de Montserrat, A., Faccenda, M., Pennacchioni, G. Extrinsic anisotropy of two-phase Newtonian aggregates: fabric characterisation and parametrisation, and application to global mantle convection. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  32. Lo Bue, R., Faccenda, M., Yang, J. Role of the Adria plate structural heterogeneities on the dynamics of the Central-Western Mediterranean region. EGU General Assembly 2021, online.
  33. Yang, J., Faccenda, M. Numerical modeling of intraplate and petit-spot volcanism originating from hydrous mantle transition zone. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, online.
  34. VanderBeek B., Bodmer M., Faccenda M. Imaging 3D Anisotropic Subduction Zone Structure with Teleseismic P-waves: Method and Application to the Western United States. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, online.
  35. Pondrelli S., Salimbeni S., Faccenda M. Where is seismic anisotropy located beneath the Alps and the Apennines? EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  36. Confal J., Eken T., Bezada J. M., Faccenda M., Saygin E., Taymaz T. Anisotropy and Mantle Kinematics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region based on Shear Wave Splitting Measurements, Numerical Models and P-wave Tomography. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  37. VanderBeek B., Faccenda M. Can Teleseismic Travel-Times Constrain 3D Anisotropic Structure in Subduction Zones? Insights from Realistic Synthetic Experiments. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  38. de Montserrat A., Faccenda M. Extrinsic viscous anisotropy in two-phase aggregates, fabric parametrisation and application to mantle convection. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  39. Faccenda, M. MAVEPROS: a new open source software to predict mantle elastic properties and build realistic tomographic models. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  40. Yang J., Faccenda M. Intraplate and petit-spot volcanism originating from hydrous mantle transition zone. EGU General Assembly 2020, online.
  41. Ferreira A.M.G., Faccenda M., Sturgeon W., Chang S.-J., Schardong, L. Lower Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  42. de Montserrat A., Faccenda M., VanderBeek B. Extrinsic viscous anisotropy in two-phase aggregates. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  43. Rappisi F., Faccenda M. Geodynamic and Seismological Numerical Modelling for Seismic Anisotropy Studies. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  44. Lo Bue R., Faccenda M. Three-dimensional Modelling of the Recent Evolution of the Mediterranean Convergent Margin. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  45. VanderBeek B., Faccenda M. Synthetic Experiments on the Importance of Anisotropy in the Construction and Interpretation of Teleseismic P- and S-wave Tomographic Models of Subduction Zones. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA.
  46. Faccenda M., Lo Bue R., Rappisi F. Central Mediterranean mantle dynamics and structure from coupled geodynamic and seismological modelling. 38° Annual Meeting GNGTS 2019.
  47. Lo Bue R., Faccenda M. A geodynamic reconstruction of the Mediterranean Subduction Zone. 2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Siena, Italy.
  48. Rappisi F., Faccenda M. Micro and macro-scale geodynamic modelling of convergent margins. 2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Siena, Italy.
  49. de Montserrat A., Faccenda M. Extrinsic viscous anisotropy of two-phase aggregates. 2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Siena, Italy.
  50. Faccenda, M. Mantle dynamics and structure from coupled geodynamic and seismological modelling (Invited Lecture). EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  51. Kendall E., Faccenda, M., Ferreira A.M.G. Geodynamic modeling of the age-depth dependence of radial anisotropy beneath the oceans. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  52. Confal J., Bezada M.J., Eken T., Faccenda M., Saygin E., Taymaz T. Influence of upper mantle anisotropy on isotropic P-wave tomography images obtained in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  53. Petrescu, L., Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., and AlpArray Working Group. Mantle deformation beneath the central Alps from SKS anisotropy. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  54. Pondrelli, S., Petrescu, L., Salimbeni, S. Seismic anisotropy analysis in the Alps: contribution of permanent stations to AlpArray temporary network. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.
  55. Chang S.-J., Ferreira A.M.G., Faccenda M. Mantle Radial Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones: New Constraints from Seismology, Geodynamics, and Mineral Physics. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., USA.
  56. Faccenda M., Ferreira A.M.G., Tisato N., Lithgow-Bertelloni C., Stixrude L.P., Pennacchioni G. Can compositional mantle heterogeneities be detected with seismic anisotropy?. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C., USA.
  57. Faccenda, M. Subduction zone dynamics and structure from coupled geodynamic and seismological modelling (Invited Lecture). 32nd IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2018.